E-PUR Services
Water Rights Consultation, Adjudication, Contracting, and Litigation
E-PUR staff provided the City of Gearhart clear insight on our groundwater supply system. Their clear analysis and presentation of water-quality data enabled quick acceptance by the Oregon Water Resources Department and provided the City clear and safe benchmarks for well field operation. We are very pleased to work with them.
E-PUR works closely with attorneys, project owners, engineers, and planners to efficiently generate the technical information and analyses needed for water-right permit applications, transfers, and contracts. We assist our clients and their representatives in the negotiations with governmental entities, regulatory agencies, and objecting or interested parties involved with water rights transfers, purchases, change, applications, or augmentation and replenishment.
At E-PUR, we develop water rights strategies that meet client project objectives. E-PUR understands water availability within the context of long-term water supply planning. We provide the critical information needed for our clients and their legal counsel to evaluate existing water rights, determine the feasibility of obtaining new water rights or transferring existing ones, and assess contracting for delivery under a holder’s water rights.
Our scientists, engineers, and system modelers apply their expertise to evaluate water supply options, water transfer feasibility, in-stream flow impacts and mitigation, and groundwater/surface water exchange options. This means that water rights can be quantified based on historic use or an estimated future use for direct use or storage based on its intended use. These quantifications can be addressed through field measurement, modeling (either proprietary or public modeling systems), or a mix of methodologies. We put our clients are in the best negotiating position possible to reach their objectives and have been very successful in water rights adjudications and disputes over timing and availability.