E-PUR Services
Managed Aquifer Recharge
E-PUR provides a wide range of services on managed aquifer recharge (MAR) planning, design and implementation projects. MAR encompasses aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) along with conventional and unconventional percolation and infiltration projects. E-PUR conducts feasibility study analyses of water supply needs, identifies timing and frequency of source water availability, evaluates water rights, assesses implementability, defines anticipated costs for project life-cycle and capital planning, and scrutinizes the need for and potential benefits from a MAR/ASR project.
The success of any artificial recharge project depends fundamentally on getting the recharge water into the target aquifer where it can be stored and subsequently withdrawn. Our experience with surface water to groundwater recharge includes evaluating sediment texture continuity in the subsurface and where and how the project owner can most effectively conduct MAR. E-PUR experts understand sediment control issues with MAR and both mineral dissolution and precipitation that can arise.
Our goal at E-PUR is to help our clients identify prospective uses of artificial recharge of all kinds, including in-lieu recharge, to enable better use of financial and physical resources. We have worked with county agencies, water districts, and municipalities as well as reviewed federal work on MAR. Conjunctively, we have teamed with a variety of engineering firms and specialists in particular aspects of MAR from isotope geochemistry to fiber optic thermal tracing of infiltrated and injected water.