E-PUR Services
Litigation Support and Expert Testimony
E-PUR personnel have been retained as experts on a variety of legal cases. E-PUR has also provided litigation support to cases without testifying as well as providing testimony in cases before both state and federal courts. Some of E-PUR’s work has resulted in landmark decisions on environmental trespass of residual pollution and cost liability apportionment among contributing parties.
E-PUR has assessed root cause of stormwater flooding and levee failure in litigations. E-PUR has also supported and provided expert testimony in water rights adjudications.
Our experts have been retained for liability settlement among potentially responsible parties (PRPs) and on behalf of large PRP groups in large basin-scale releases. They have evaluated the technical, factual, and economic legal liability to help effect settlement. These settlement support projects have been conducted in the following Superfund Sites and Operable Units: Burbank OU, North Glendale OU, and South Glendale OU of the San Fernando Valley Superfund Site, California; Baldwin Park OU, and Puente Valley OU, of the San Gabriel Valley Superfund Site, California; Wichita, Kansas Superfund Site (multiple OUs); Teledyne/Spectra-Physics Supefund Site, Mountain View, California; Middlefield-Ellis-Whisman (MEW) Superfund Site, Mountain View, California; and the Hillview-Porter State of California Superfund Site in Palo Alto, California.
E-PUR personnel have also served as neutral technical experts to assist judges and third-party mediators in understanding the factual technical arguments pertinent to the litigation and rendering non-binding opinions to assist the judge or to facilitate the mediation process. This has included review of water-rights for state water court as well as review of water rights in water-supply planning efforts.