E-PUR Services

Environmental Review and Permitting

Legislation on the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) requires public review of project development proposals prior to permitting. As a result, environmental reviews and analyses such as Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) are now required for the completion of most public works project for water resources. Issues such as growth-inducing impacts in water supply and endangered species act (ESA) potential impacts often govern the rate and progress for project development. E-PUR professionals work closely with our clients to develop strategies for EIS and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) review. E-PUR’s team of experienced professionals is fluent in the environmental review process including the Federal Guidance on Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Army Corps of Engineer led projects.

E-PUR specialists have reviewed and developed local, state, and federal permit application packages; provided NEPA, CEQA (CA) and SEPA (WA) support. We have successfully helped clients:

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